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Leo Barasi


Will more floods change the debate about climate change?

It's nearly a year since the storms that led to flooding across much of the UK. Over the last decade, the UK has experienced a range of extreme…

Analysis: Polling finds widespread doubt amongst Conservative MPs about climate science

A new poll of UK Members of Parliament has found widespread doubts about climate science, particularly among Conservative MPs. The poll, conducted for PR Week by Populus and…

| 11.09.14

洪水终于英国担心吗about climate change?

Following survey data last week that suggests the environment may have moved up people's list of concerns, polling expert Leo Barasi asks whether the UK floods this Christmas…

Floods| 06.05.14

How does Carbon Brief’s polling fit in with other research?

Carbon Brief's poll has tons of interesting findings - some of them covered in this week's blogs. But as with any apparently new information, it's useful to put…

The best energy and climate change poll ever

Polling expert Leo Barasi introduces our climate polling. The great thing about reporting other people's polls is there's always something to complain about. The question order is biasing…

亚慱彩票APP| 28.03.13

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